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A passion for recreation was instilled in me as early as I can remember. In truth, this story is almost more about my dad than myself … because my dad, as many fortunate young boys no doubt say … was my hero. And he still is! My dad is an absolute adrenaline addicted, adventure junkie! Hang gliding instructor, ultralight test pilot and air show extremist, technical tri-mix scuba instructor, white water rafting guide, rubicon wheeler … essentially if you could name it, he was the best at it! I was raised with the idea you had to “work hard to play hard” and that if you weren't “living life on the edge you were taking up too much space”.


Family vacations were never dull, and the older I got the more extreme they would get. From birth I was practically strapped into my car seat going through the Rubicon Trail. Naturally there were those that disagreed with my parents choice of family activities given the extent of risk involved with having a “baby on board”, but that just further demonstrates the connection with recreation my parents raised me with. At 5 years old while learning to white water raft, I can vividly remember being taught, "Kent, Mother Nature is stronger than any of us could ever be so you must treat her with absolute respect. She can easily take your life when you're least expecting it, so you must always give her your full and undivided attention."


Recreation brought my family together. My parents fought - but we had each other’s backs! My mom would say, "Yeah, sometimes your dad drives me crazy, but I’m here forever - because nobody can compare." My last name is Hansen, and those Danish Viking roots created in me - a pride in my tribe - that shaped literally every aspect of my life. I wanted to be my dad … but how could I ever fill those shoes?


When I was in school I played baseball, football & wrestled - but team sports, like school, were primarily things I did to spend time with my friends - not to excel. I was never a bully, but I was known as a fighter who always kept a pair of gloves at the house for anyone who wanted to challenge me. But more important than being a tough guy was being a ladies’ man! And as I got older I realized that the outdoor recreation I’d been exposed to all my life was outside the norm … and that others … especially the ladies … were intrigued by my active lifestyle. 


When I graduated high school, 3 beautiful girls gave me a free place to live with them in San Diego so that they would feel safer. I gave my parents a weeks notice and left with no cash and just some old clothes stuffed into my Bronco. Luckily, the good parenting had worked, because I quickly attained a great job in the front of a restaurant, and paid my portion of the rent because, "You've got to work hard to play hard!" 


While in SD I bought my first dirt bike & surf board. I also got my first bar job. But basically … partying became my priority. I still considered myself "recreational" with my house on the beach front and my laid back lifestyle of beach cruisers and board shorts - but really this is when I also temporarily lost touch with my soul. 


Fast forward to now … and I can truly say I owe my life to recreation. Somehow my instincts have always reminded me of the difference between right from wrong. My deliberate disobedience of my own code of honor always weighed heavily on my soul. I walked along a shady line for a long time … but kept a job and my pride in being outdoorsy. Somehow life eventually answered my prayers and gifted me with a gorgeous, smart, loving & supportive wife. Also, I'm currently transitioning into the owner of California's largest & most experienced rafting company where I've worked as a manager for the last 7 years. Those two matches made in heaven have helped me get in touch with my soul again. 


Until recently, however, I've continually battled with my own inner demons. Upon asking the universe why, I heard the answer. I'd been working hard but not playing hard. My definition of playing has always been connecting with nature through recreational outdoor activities! So I made it a point to stop using the same old "I'm tired" excuse and just started playing outside again! I made a list of all my outdoor options and now I go through it regularly! This makes me feel incredibly grateful and reminds me that although life is short … I’ll get to spend my time here truly experiencing all that our beautiful earth has to offer!


Another lesson from my dad, "work hard to buy yourself one toy and/or one vacation a year unless you're saving for something else important like a wedding. Make sure what you buy is quality and take good care of it so it will last forever." My dads toys from 30 years ago may be outdated … but they still work! He’s lived that lesson and still enjoys his toys! So save $20 a week towards your “one toy a year” and you'll have nearly $1000 per year to spend on any toy your heart desires. Then go outside and use it until it's a part of you! 


In summary, maybe I’ll never be the best at every single thing I do like my dad … but I’ll still be good and have a heck of a great time, too! This take on life has made me a very well rounded man with a life FULL of incredible experiences that most people will only dream of. If I could share just one thing with the world it would be to actually DO all of the things that you wish you could do.Even if  don't they “make you nervous” or you're “too tired” or you “don't know how” - do the things you dream of - 

THAT’S WHAT BUILDS CHARACTER! Don't you EVER say … "I can't". 


And here's how … As Russ Hansen (my dad) will tell you: 

“Just spend 100 hours at anything and you’ll become great at it!”


The world is your playground … so what do you say? Lets Rec!

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